Movies in MO

Songbird – December 10th, 2020

What’s It About

From producer Michael Bay and director Adam Mason, takes place two years in the future, in which COVID-23 now wreaks havoc on the world by attacking the brain. Infected Americans are forced into quarantine camps called Q-Zones, while some fight back against these brutal restrictions


I wondered who would be the first to produce a Covid inspired film. Songbird uses the idea of an out of control pandemic and adds so many variables it nearly becomes a parody of itself. For whatever reason, this is supposed to be some sort of love story. That would have been fine if that was all it was about, but it’s not. This film is separately AND collectively about a pandemic (although that idea changes from scene to scene). If done right, the concept of a worldwide plague could have carried a couple of movies all by itself. The love story part was utterly unnecessary. That, unfortunately, was the bulk of the film and a distraction from the bigger picture. Songbird paints a picture of an out of control, martial law enforced worldwide pandemic. We are shown repeatedly how bad things are throughout the film. There’s no traffic. Military –ish is everywhere, and some billboards show death updates for some reason. Who were those for? This movie’s entire presentation is like a futuristic action flick, but the movie’s plot is a very weak love story with the pandemic as a background. That’s not a bad thing, but Songbird uses the pandemic to tell the love story, and it does not work the way they wanted it to. The relationship part ends up being half done, while the Covid story becomes a useless and wasted addition. By the end of the film, it is apparent the writers/director only wanted to capitalize off of the Covid fears that have taken control of our lives, and the characters’ relationship was only used as a distraction.


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