What’s It About
In the far future of humanity, Duke Leto Atreides accepts the stewardship of the dangerous desert planet Arrakis, also known as Dune, the only source of the most valuable substance in the universe, “the spice”, a drug which extends human life, provides superhuman levels of thought, and makes faster-than-light travel practical. Though Leto knows the opportunity is an intricate trap set by his enemies, he takes his Bene Gesserit concubine Lady Jessica, young son and heir Paul, and most trusted advisers to Arrakis. Leto takes control of the spice mining operation, which is made perilous by the presence of giant sandworms. A bitter betrayal leads Paul and Jessica to the Fremen, natives of Arrakis who live in the deep desert.
Dune represents an obsession that White America loves to talk about; White supremacy. Although I have read several inserts, I never read the complete 1965 novel, and I’ve never seen any of the three Dune film adaptations in full. I love science fiction, but Dune is a tedious, overly political movie based on nothing but pride and privilege. In short, it’s about White people wanting something someone else has. And because they feel they deserve to have it more than the indigenous people who own it, in the case of Dune, it is “The Spice,” they decide to take it using political jargon to justify their actions. Basically, it’s the foundation of America, but this time they’re taking over planets instead of countries. Dune is obviously not the first time this type of story has been told. It’s just one of the more epically unexciting versions of the story. As far as visuals are concerned, Dune looks great, but so does a butterfly, but I wouldn’t want to look at one for two and a half hours. The actors read their lines just like the actors in versions before them; in that very dull Shakesperian, Queen of England, unnecessary adverb adding dialog, type of delivery, that once again, they refuse to admit is a time that’s never coming back. It’s the future, yet many future sci-fi films use the dialect of a time before Jesus. Along with showing no advancement in their people’s entertainment, the future is very dull, and Dune makes it seem worse.
- Genre – Science Fiction
- Street date
- Digital – December 3rd, 2021
- DVD/Blu-Ray – January 11th, 2022
- Video – 1080p
- Screen size – 2.39:1
- Sound – English: Dolby Atmos-TrueHD, Dolby Digital, Descriptive Audio, French: Dolby Digital 5.1, Spanish: Dolby Digital 5.1
- Subtitles – English SDH, French, Spanish
- The Royal Houses (HD, 8 Mins.) – Some information and discussions on how the different houses conduct business in life, their traits, and cultures.
- Filmbooks (HD, 10 Mins.) – Five separate segments that reveal clips from the films, storyboards, and narrated information on the subjects at hand that range from the different houses and people in the movie.
- Inside Dune (HD, 12 Mins.) – In. three separate sets, these are cool-looking EPK featurettes that have the cast and crew of Dune talking about making the film, specifically some of the bigger action moments.
- Building The Ancient Future (HD, 7 Mins.) – Some of the set design, props, and look of the film are discussed here.
- My Desert, My Dune (HD, 5 Mins.) – Denis Villeneuve and others discuss his approach to the project, the story, its themes and tone, and more.
- Constructing The Ornithopters (HD, 6 Mins.) – A great look at those cool helicopters and how they came to life in the film.
- Designing The Sandworm (HD, 6 Mins.) – A quick glimpse of how the design of the sandworm was made not to scare people, but to have people respect and bow down to these creatures.
- Beware The Baron (HD, 5 Mins.) – A fantastic look at the makeup process on Skarsgard and how that element was created on set.
- Wardrobe From Another World (HD, 3 Mins.) – The costumes are discussed briefly here.
- A New Soundscape (HD, 11 Mins.) – Hans Zimmer and some of the audio departments talk about the music, sound effects, and intense labor or sound that went into this movie.