What’s It About
One Army captain is forced to use her years of tactical training and military expertise when a simultaneous coordinated attack threatens the remote missile interceptor station of which she is in command.

Just when I thought mainstream companies were done making big-budget cheesy films, in steps Interceptor. This is ninety minutes of cringeworthy everything. The CGI is awful, and the continuity is laughable. The dialog, the fight scenes, the plot, they were all bad. But, to be fair, they tried – at one point around the 35-minute mark, they gave us a little history of our lead protagonist, Captain JJ Collins. This was the first time this movie felt like it deserved to be produced. The story practically revolves around Collins. She had a rough patch in her career that mentally destroyed her as a soldier, but her belief in her country and father, helped her move forward. Her complete story is a lot more complex and the only good thing about Interceptor. The bad guy had a story, but he was no different from any terrorist with a vendetta against their government. And like all bad guys, a lot of what they say makes sense. Their solution to fix it is where the real problem lies. That’s when it hits you. The story may be stupid, and the acting wooden, but the thing that hurt this movie the most is the horrible fighting scenes. It’s like they just learned the choreography the day before. Nothing about the fights looked like they could actually be effective in a real battle. That’s something the people in editing are supposed to fix. I mean, Collins was punched in the face several times by men twice her size, and she kept fighting as if nothing had happened. She also showed incredible strength as she hung and swung from one arm. There are people on American Ninja that wish they could do what she did. As for the dialog, all lines were delivered as best they could, no matter how seventy-ish they might have sounded. Interceptor is not a great movie. It’s not even a good movie. But it can be used as white noise if you need to have something playing in the background. Hundreds of films on Netflix are so much better than this, but if you’ve seen them all, try Hulu, Paramount+, or HBO/Max.