What’s It About
The origin story of the Predator in the world of the Comanche Nation 300 years ago. Naru, a skilled Comanche warrior protects her tribe from a highly evolved alien predator that hunts humans for sport. Fighting against the wilderness, dangerous colonisers and this mysterious creature to keep her people safe.

It seems like every movie nowadays has to have a prequel. And suppose you don’t count the crossover films, Aliens vs. Predator and Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem. In that case, this movie is assumed to be one of the first times Predator arrived on earth. This time it was the plains of America in 1719. The main character is a young Comanche girl named Naru, trained in medicines. She wishes to be a hunter, a title given only to the men of the tribe. You watch her defy her elders and brothers while trying to convince them there’s something out there bigger than a bear they need to hunt. Then there’s the part of her training that lasts about ten minutes in real-time, unlike doing a montage, a trope that would have been far more believable. At this point, this 100-minute movie is down 40 minutes. I would love to say Prey has been so interesting that I couldn’t turn away. Unfortunately, it was the complete opposite. The characters were stupid, the dialog was nonsense, and the plot seemed forced. Even after seeing the Predator, I didn’t care about this movie. There were some decent fights between the Comanche people, French voyageurs, and Predator for the runtime that was left. All of which Predator easily won. But the real star of this movie was Naru, the Comanche girl. In a matter of minutes, she could understand nearly every aspect of the Predator. She knew how it hunted, how it fought, and how its weapons worked. She knew more about it than the scientists in 2018s Predator, and they had one captured in a fully-loaded lab. In short, for a Predator movie (or any movie) to work, it must first be believable. As slow-paced as Prey is, it was kind of believable until Predator was fighting a young girl. The same Predator you see destroy a bear in the trailer. The same type of alien that killed Arnold Schwarzenegger’s entire well-equipped team without a scratch. Overall, Prey is boring and impossible to believe. Anyone who says otherwise is lying.