A hard-working, blue-collar dad who just wants to provide a good life for his quick-witted 8-year-old daughter. His mundane San Fernando Valley pool cleaning job is a front for his real source of income: hunting and killing vampires.

Day Shift is your typical Netflix movie. No matter how big the budget is, it always feels like something is missing. The last time Jamie Foxx starred in a Netflix film was Power Project in 2020. And just like in this movie, there was a feeling of absence. Day Shift has an intense opening scene, but as soon as it ends, so does your desire to care. The next thirty-five minutes are used to boringly introduce other characters along with Bud Jablonski’s (Foxx) family and his current monetary situation. The story seemed interesting, but the fact that not too many people know vampires exist or that an organization secretly kills them to avoid human enslavement is a little far-fetched. Not to mention it has serious DeJaVu of a poor man’s Men In Black. When the movie gets to the part where Jablonski receives a second chance, you think, finally, it’s about to get good again. But no, there’s more story no one asked for or even cared about. It doesn’t help the story. It’s just filler until the final fight. The filler was learning about the different types of vampires and watching Jablonski team up with a union representative named Seth, an elite vampire team, the Nazarian brothers, and John Elliot (Snoop Dogg). So for the nearly 2-hour runtime, you’re waiting for something epic to happen or at least something as good as the way it started. Unfortunately, I sat there, and that big whatever never happened. I got a few laughs out of it, and although the action was far and few between, I was able to watch it from the comfort of my home with my family. In the end, it’s not a complete waste of time, but don’t go looking for anything other than a basic movie that you will probably forget about the next day.