Unpopular best friends PJ and Josie start a high school fight club to meet girls and lose their virginity. They soon find themselves in over their heads when the most popular students start beating each other up in the name of self-defense.

Bottoms waste no time setting the tone for what’s about to come. Within minutes, you hear a very foul-mouthed conversation between the main two protagonists, P.J. and Josie, as they discuss, imagine, and role-play their future with the main two cheerleaders at Rockbridge Falls High School. This is a throwback to every high school comedy that had no real purpose for existing other than sex. Porky’s, Booksmart, Superbad, American Pie, it’s a never-ending list that Bottoms has become a part of. And much like those movies, there will be at least one serious issue that needs to be dealt with before things get back to whatever normal is. In Bottoms, that would be the friendship between P.J. and Josie. But before you get to that part, was it funny? Unless you’re some kind of prude, Bottoms has enough one-liners and sight gags to keep you interested and maybe an occasional laugh out loud if watching two lesbian high schoolers devise a plan to lose their virginity to some cheerleaders who, more than likely, are not gay. Bad ideas have never stopped any plan in any movie, and it’s not stopping here. Their plan was to start a girls’ club for female self-empowerment. Their actual plan was to use the club to get their crushes to join and somehow make the top cheerleaders want to be with them during an intense defensive move that would turn into a hot make-out session. And that’s the kind of thinking that makes sense to a teenager. Overall, Bottoms is funny with a touch of heartwarming while never taking itself too seriously.